Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) of IQAC

Sl. No. Name Category and Position of QAC, DIU Designation at DIU
1.         Professor Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman Vice Chancellor of the University (Chair) Honorable Vice Chancellor, DIU
2.         Professor Dr. S.M. Mahbub-Ul-Haque Majumder Pro-Vice Chancellor (Pro-VC academic shall be the member if the university has two ormore Pro-VCs) Honorable Pro-Vice Chancellor, DIU
3.         Professor Dr. Mohammed Masum Iqbal All Deans Dean, FBE, DIU
Professor Dr. Syed Akhter Hossain Dean, FSIT, DIU
Professor Dr. Md. Bellal Hossain Dean, FAHS, DIU
Professor Dr. M. Shamsul Alam Dean, FE, DIU
Professor Dr. Liza Sharmin Dean, FHSS, DIU
4.         Professor Dr. A. K. M. Fazlul Haque Director, IQAC Director, IQAC, DIU
5.         Director(s) of all institutes Director(s) of all institutes of the university, those are not under any Faculty or Dean Director, HRDI
6.         Professor Dr. Farheen Hassan
Director, IQAC
American International University - Bangladesh (AIUB)
An Expert/Representative nominated by the UGC Member, QAC
7.         Professor Dr. Mostafa Kamal Any other two senior academics with remarkable contribution in the field of TL (preferably one of the former Directors/Addl. Directors of IQAC) appointed by the Syndicate Dean, Academic Affairs, DIU
Professor Dr. Md Kabirul Islam Dean, FGS, DIU
8.         Dr. Mohammed Nadir Bin Ali Registrar of the University Registrar, DIU
9.         Mr. Hamidul Haque Khan Director of Finance and Accounts/Comptroller Director (F & A), DIU
10.     Professor Dr. Sk. Abdul Kader Arafin An Additional Director of IQAC shall be the Member-Secretary of QAC (in cases of more than one Additional Director, the Vice-Chancellor shall nominate the Member-Secretary). Additional Director (QA), IQAC, DIU